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Defined Contribution Plans


Small and mid-sized businesses and organizations use retirement group plans to reward and retain employees while benefiting from the tax deductibility of these plans. The Defined Contribution refers to the funds being provided for investment ahead of retirement.

For sponsors of group plans, initial considerations include time, costs, and their own liability of establishing and keeping compliant plans. At Republic Financial Consulting (RFC) we customize a full suite of group retirement plan service for our clients to ensure a reliable and successful implementation. The most common of these group plans are 401K's (in the private sector) and 403B's (in the public and non-profit sectors.) Also known by their IRS designation of ERISA, Defined Contribution plans are widely used for business of all sizes - from one employee to thousands.

We coordinate a team of world-class, service providers and professionals experienced in retirement plans. Every step of the way, RFC works closely with you, the plan sponsor, to determine appropriate retirement plan options and solutions that best help the business, its stakeholders and employees as they confidently pursue a financially secure future.